Today went and visited my grandpa all the way on the mountain top. He is buried in a Chrisitian cemetry which overlooks a lake, its said to be a very nice spot and they say he has a good view lol. Its funny when you compare the amount of space they have here compared to how much space they have in Australia.
Walking down all those steps, I'm so glad I didn't PK @_@. It was nice to see him again, . As we were walking around and visiting some of my grandpas neighbours, my dads like ' I wonder if there are any To's here' and tadaa...he spots some random headstone with a 'To' on it. On closer inspection, hes like 'Oh my, i kno this person!'
My dad found a long lost uncle :O He even called my grandma to check. So, now we've got another person to visit each time we come back. So, if you're asian, then its very likely that you will randomly find more unknown family members.
Afterwards, we went to my mums old apartment. This is the place where she grew up. Its the smallest littlest apartment at the top of a very steep street, Electric Street :D Its amazing how my grandparents managed to raise 10 kids in this place!
Spent the rest of the evening candle shopping hahaha and went back home for dinner and then...MAHJONG!!!! My grandma refused to play with me cause she said she would fall asleep. Anywho,i dragged my uncles to play with me :) Won HK$2 LOL. Thats not even enough to buy a cone at maccas.
hi kml
lol!! $2HK.. niceee.. oh btw, what is candle shopping?? lol