Day 5: Friday 4th December, 21C
Got a new camera today!!
It doesn't look as cute as my old one but it'll do. This ones got alot more megapixles, so i'm assuming that means when i zoooom in i'll be able to see minute details. I just want my camera to be able to take really hot pictures of food minh's camera. THAT my friends, is one professional food capturing camera. Now all i have to do is find hot looking food but ohhhhhh man talking of food. Yesterday, I was lucky enough to try something that I've had on my 'must eat' food list for ages.
Oh yes, i ate TRUFFLES!!!!
well, more like savoured the small amounts that were there hahaha. My aunty came to visit last night, and out of her bag she pulls out this little box. As she opens it up, this intense smell (a little like petrol smell acutally) wafts all around. What she brought back was a chunk of white truffle, not the the black ones that we see on ironchef. Apparently this piece which only weighed a few grams was worth thousands of dollars already *gasp*, they call it white gold in chinese. It was soo exciting though :D She said the best way to try it is to take the truffles and grate/shave small amounts over ice cream! hmm...strange i thought, truffles over ice cream, but thats what she said she thats how i tried it lol. The smell is much more intense then the taste, the flavour was subtle but very very nice. It brought back memories of my childhood.......nom nom nom! Anywho, that was a nice little surprise.
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