Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My first day in 3 years

Monday was my very first day of Med school, well, first day of orientation that is. Thank goodness they weren't that cruel, they haven't thrown us into the deep end...yet. We started with the Welcome address from the Dean, I'm assuming his like the big boss man, he told us that ANU is like the bestest uni ever and thanked us for choosing it. I'm thinking to myself, awww Melb uni you failed me this year *sigh*. Then the vice Dean, just the boss man this time, welcomed us as well and gave us an overview of what our 4 years of Med at ANU would be like.

The whole cohort was then split up into their PBL groups (I'm PBL 6...the awesomest group of them all :D). The rest of the day consisted of checking passports, immunisation forms and the like, and filling out form after form of agreements and other stuff, don't actually quite remember what the forms were about. Then came the time for student card photos. YIKES! Apparently these are going to haunt us for the next 4 years, mine turned out blurry with a big head :O But what made me most proud was that underneath the photo in big fat bolded letters was written the words MEDICAL STUDENT...wow it hit me, I really have made it *quiet cheer*. Setting an email account and opening up MedOnline was next, and yes like Melb uni they have opted to used Macs again! something which I'll never understand. If I open a Uni, oh its going to be Microsoft all the waaaaaaay~

So by about 5 all the formalities were done and it was time for the 'bonding' between students to begin! First up was a scavenger hunt, items included, picture of a human pyrimid, man in a bikini, a lego piece, a hula hoop and a full cup of coffee from a Turkish cafe...I must say I haven't been scavenger hunting for a long time, but I sure was dead tired after that.
Later all the PBL groups went down to the pub which was a bloody 15 minute walk away (MY POOR LEGS, theres no such thing as public transport, only private aka. my legs). The points were added up only to find out we were 6 beers away from winning the prize (stupid second years who run O-week gave a bizillion extra points for every beer that was purchased for them). Who would have though the first day of Medical school would be this tiring.

All in all a very good day, met some seemingly nice people, but you never kno, as Jeff so kindly pointed out, everyone is on their best behaviour this week, I wonder how they all turn out in second week lol.

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