Monday, November 2, 2009

Injections :(

Ok, so to begin my loooooong journey ahead i have to start right at the bottom right?!
So today i had my first doctor visit to get a blood test done. As required by ANU, i have to get 6 things checked so i was expecting my doctor to be taking viles and viles and VILES of blood. However, due to my inexperience in blood testing (this was only my second time ever), he actually only took one vile hmm...pleasant surprise :)
it wasn't bad at all, a little prick, i reckon removing a band-aid is more painful! I did refuse to watch him do it though! My doctor was really good at it, perhaps i should have watched him do it so i could gain 'experience' lol...but i didn't like the fact that with the visual also came the sensation. I'd much rather see someone else getting their blood taken cause then i won't feeeeeel it. What i'm not looking forward to is the freakin TB Mantoux test!! oh I've heard ALL about it in lectures, but actually having one done on me, not such a fan.

Anyway, during my visit, i asked my doctor for some advice and all he did was smile at me and said "Enjoy it...and be prepared for a life of misery" HAHAHAHA....

oh dear


  1. I'm glad it didn't hurt for you jie! But it's so exciting for you! ANU already asking for
    blood tests...feel honoured :D

    I think I'm desensitised to blood testing...i've had it every 6 months since I was little...I don't know why lolol..

  2. I'm sure magster has one every week or something.
